Buttermaker has been a little feisty the last couple days so today we dressed her up like a little bear and told her we were taking her to stuffed animal land. She perked right up. It was a fun adventure for at least 10 minutes.
Today I put together a swing that Michael and Bree gave to us. Faye loves it. She likes the number 6 setting (the fastest setting). It really gets her going. It's like one of those rickety festival rides. I even black out one of my teeth and pretend that I am the hillbilly carney ride operator. I just keep yelling at the top of my lungs "THIS RIDES GONNA LAST FOREVER BAYYYYBEEE!!!! I have to yell really loud because we are cranking Kid Rocks new album. It's awesome.
Butter is just chillin with her stuffed buddies.

who's a shifty little bear?

This is a face she makes if I ever mention Dave Carnie's name.

"The Ride Operator" good gravy is he a dumb looking sonofabitch.

Okay I have to give some blog love to Kari for sending me this awesome hat with a picture of 4 minute old Faye on it.
Kari you're the winner today!!! xoxoxo