The whole Family is in LA right now. I am playing daddy daycare while Fran gets around town in a chopper. And not some bullcrap fruity Jesse James West Coast Chopper either. I'll post some pics of LA Faye busting a chill in her LA sunglasses real soon.
Fran made Faye a personalized onesie for picture day at school. It says Buttermaker and has hearts and stars and bubbles and stuff.
Give me a friggen break!!! Why do we need picture day? I'm a Photographer!! "I'll be taking the pictures around here"!! Right? Damn straight... Well not exactly. Faye went off to school for this "picture day" but we haven't seen what kind of photos this guy pulled off yet? Let's see him top this bad boy!! That's what I thought Mister. I'll post your nonsense as soon as I get it.
Faye has a new distraction. It's called the exer-saucer and it's one of the many rides, I being the ride operator, rotate her on every hour. She seems to love it. You've heard the term "I'm so happy that I could shit" well she loves it so much that she actually chooses to poop in it most of the time. It's kind of like her bathroom. What a fun bathroom. I think I need to remodel our bathroom so I have squeeky things to pull on while I do my business. Faye I think you are on to something!! In other news... Kari and Todd and family came to Portland for their spring break. Kristin and Dan had a awesome bbq on Saturday. Dan made ribs and wings and all the trimmings. By trimmings I mean beer and tequila. All I am saying is that Todd ate the worm and then I heard tales of a late night moon dancing around Kristins house. Wish I had some photos of that to post. Maybe not.
Exer-Saucer Pooping! I think Kari was telling Faye about her automatic bread maker that she used to have. Kristin, Kari and Tiffany. These Moms know how to throw down and party.
Faye ate her very first solid food. I made Chicken and yams. As always Faye was sitting with us while we ate but this time was a little different. She was making all these chimpanzee signals as we ate. "What is it buttermaker"? " "looks like she's saying she wants to eat your food" "don't be ridiculous...babies eat milk" Well not this baby. Fran started putting the yams in her mouth and Faye was surprised. You could seriously read her thoughts through her eyes. "What's this new taste?...How do I work my mouth?...put more in because I'm having fun spitting it everywhere!!" It looked like your typical old person at Denny's.
The very first Buttermaker food. The Yam. Someone is throwing out some serious signals. "Fran what do you think she wants"??? That's right dummies...I'm glad you finally figured it out. Love the yams.
Faye got her first visit from the Easter Bunny. She loved her basket. She loved the celophane that it was covered in the most. All that good stuff in the basket and her favorite thing was the noise that the plastic that it was wrapped in makes. Hmm?? Check out how tall Buttermaker is getting. Skinny Minnie. That evening Megan invited us over for an amazing Easter dinner. Faye got her first taste of ham. Although she didn't actually eat the ham she did suck on one piece for 20 minutes. I tried taking it from her a few times and she wasn't having it. She liked her salty hamcicle and nobody was going to take it from her. Not even Mommy with her pretty fingernails. Every now and then you snap "the one" and this is "the one" Megans delicious ham and taters. Mom your ham is really on my mind. Faye's Easter Hamcicle. This is what it looks like when a baby is stoned on ham. After you get stoned on ham you do silly things like wear your tights on your head and go around the party telling everyone "Hey look at me...I'm the Ether Bunny...You guys should cheer up...jeez am I the only one partying here? Where's my tights?"
Well... We're having a baby and this is the place you can find updates and pictures.
We are chosing to be surprised by the sex of our kid.
Instead of refering to the baby as "it" we decided to temporarily name him/her "Buttermaker"
I don't know why so don't ask. Fran just likes the coach from The Bad News Bears.
In the mean time. peace out.