Here's Faye and Fran on the first day in the morning. Check out Buttermakers bad ass mowhak.
So punk.

Still loves the swing like a fat kid loves cake.

This kid eats like nobody business. Double fisting anything that you put in front of her.
Breakfast eating machine!!

And that brings me to the 4th good thing. Even though Faye wasn't there (sadly) it was still pretty awesome.
Matt, Savannah and I drove to Scappoose Oregon because we heard Derek Anderson was going to be hanging out in his hometown bar. Who's Derek Anderson?? Come on!! Only the starting Quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. Did I mention that he was also the starting Pro Bowl quarterback last season? He's from Oregon.
Derek was really cool. We were total dorks and totally talked to him. I had about 3 pints of courage in me. I walked up to him and said "Congratulations" to him. He looked at me all squirrelly and said "for what"? I said for winning the Superbowl in 09. That got a laugh from him and a backslap so hard that I spit and choked a little. Even though we are the same height he is twice my size. Check out how happy Matt is. He's about ready to bust. I think he was peeing a little in his shorts as this picture was taken.
Faye totally loves the Browns.