Faye's first trip to Ohio was a success. Even though it was grey and cold, she braved the flatland well.
She had 3 parties in her honor and from each she drew a slew of clothes and toys.
Thank you to everyone who came to visit. it means a lot to us.
I'm posting some photos from Faye's Portland Birthday and Ohio birthday.
We are missing a bunch of photos from Grammy Pat's. As soon as she sends 'em we'll post 'em.
Mommy made Faye a homemade cake from scratch.

New favorite song..."Happy Birthday to Faye"

Why did you stop singing?

what the hell is this? All mine?!! That's what i'm saying.

This shit smells good!

Caking makes me thirsty.

Touchdown in Cleveland. (Touchdowns don't happen very often in Cleveland)

Buttermaker kicking it old school waiting for her luggage.

Who else would give Faye her first horsey ride in Ohio. Martha that's who!

Lilly the counting Frog seems to be a HUGE hit.

The old paper on the foot gag.

Another totally awesome sugar high for our baby.

Grandma Due made Faye stuffed cabbages.
Pretty much the coolest.

Dirty folks stuck in JFK Airport trying to get back to Portland.
It smelled like hot baloney in there.