Fear not my loyal readers, this is going to be a hearty new post. I know how much you like to snoop into our lives and I will not let you down. Faye has reached 10 pounds. She can roll over from her stomach to her back. She is wearing her first pair of blue jeans today. She went to an art opening Friday night (wearing a shirt that said "watch your fu**ing mouth around the baby". Yes we have turned into "those people". She is wearing tiny little shoes. She is owning it!! Grandma Pat is here this week and today we are all going to Powell's to be book nerds. If you see Fran please ask her about the "Doug Fir diaper incident" it's a good story that involves a super messy diaper and a public bathroom. All I can say is... when Fran and Faye returned to the table, they both looked like they had just robbed a bank.
I also just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRAN. You are even more beautiful than the day I met you. (That day in 1989 when you bit me in a bar)
Rocket and Rockets Mom and Dad came over for dinner. Check out Rocket. Keep it clean Rocket! Eyes up...Eyes up!


We walked into Fayes room and saw a guilty looking Earl on Buttermakers activity pad.

Look how guilty he is.

After Earl spent 5 minutes in time out, Fran used him as a prop in a photo shoot.

This is Faye's signature sweater. White double breasted with a flipped up collar. She likes to think it invokes a feeling of royalty.

Queen Ann and The Duke of Earl????

Margi and Coady were in Portland the first week of January and all the girls showed up to flirt with Coady. What a dick.

Hal and Kim Curtis gave this Tiffany bank to Faye. Her she is putting her imaginary gold coins into it.


Chicken Earl has lost his friggen mind.

Grandma Pat came to Portland all the way from Ohio via the Oregon Trail. As soon we put the oxen up for the night we headed out to see Riswold who curated a show called WAR at some random gallery in North Portland.
Here is a shy Hitler with Mom, Fran and Faye. (The photo is called "Knock knock. Who's there? The Russian Army."

Mussolini was there to great us with a good old fashioned Italian fist shake.

I liked the little sign on this table that said "Please don't set anything on Hitler"

And I saved the best for last...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:- )

1 comment:
franny's never looked a day over 25 in her life.
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