The more photos that pile up the more time it takes and seemingly lately, the less time that I have.
I realized that it is not about the quantity of photos, rather just getting some photos up. Any old photos.
I'm going to stop being clever and "just let er rip"
Faye is 15 months old today. Happy 15th month old birthday Buttermaker, Pei Pei, Papes, Paper (all of Faye's nicknames) Gordon.
Better late than never.
Faye grew into a new hat and it couldn't be cuter!!!

Faye,like the rest of us, loves her T.V. (taken on her very own digi Fisher Price camera)
Faye Christmas morning with all the loot.
loves that binky
It snowed like crazy here in December.
We joined the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry because they have a great room for little kids to go and explore all kinds of stuff. Here is Faye wearing her Mad Scientist get up.
This cone blows air.
full on attack!
And now she's a chipmunk.
Now Mommy has her hand up a Bald Eagles butt.
Dude she is playing with a plastic chicken.
Put this one in your pipe and smoke it.
This is Faye's very first Popsicle.
It's a pretty big moment. Like driving a car or kissing a boy.
This is the Baby Throne.
You don't mess with baby when she is on the THRONE!!!
And once again, cuteness is displayed right on cue.
Mommy had a birthday and we packed up and headed for the coast to hit the Newport Aquarium and to have a birthday party at a beach house.
It was all fun and games until the toilet paper party hats came out.
Puffy Missy Elliot coats at beach.
Babushka and sunglasses are must have items for 2009.
The guy sitting next to Faye on the plane ride home from LA was a total dick.
I kept trying to get Faye to flick some diaper candy at him.
Nice designer reading glasses buddy!
I hate that plane guy.
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