Thursday, February 25, 2010

Settled in

Obviously Faye has settled in nicely in her new class.
Faye and Faye's good friend and Classmate Gemma can be seen unwinding on the playground after a hard day of learning about the letter J.
The photos were taken by teacher Jen and sent via cell phone.
I love that teachers now have the futuristic ability to send parents instant messages and photos.
That should keep the kids on their toes for the next 16 years.
Gemma's Mom titled this photo "Pick no evil"

I hear that if you do this too much your face can get stuck?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Phase one complete

Faye is moving on up!! Phase one complete. Last week she moved up to the "pre-school" class. The toddler room is now just a memory. It's much more of a scheduled day of learning. She has been re-united with her original gang of friends Gemma, Cooper and Megan. All of the sudden she enjoys going to school everyday. Weird. WHO'S KID IS THIS?
Here are some pics of Faye on her first day of pre-school.