Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Moving in alert: BABY BUCK GORDON

Check out the new title of this blog.
I don't know what took me so long.
Maybe it was that I was just savoring the good news or maybe I was just so happy that I didn't know what to write?
Regardless, I find myself here and I find myself overflowing with happy that we are having another baby.
For those of you that do not know, we are having our second baby somewhere around the date of January 9th 2011.
It's a boy and we have named him Buck. It's a solid name.
Faye is really excited to have a little brother and knows that Buck is moving in right after Christmas.
Fran and baby are doing very well and all are healthy.
We love you son and can't wait to meet you
Love, Mom and Dad

Here is another great Buck.


abbfla66 said...

How come Buck didn't get a cool temporary name?

ray and fran said...

Because his name is cool enough. He needs to be happy with that.